Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good things

Life is good. Busy but good.
There are the jobs, the university courses, and a lot of reading.
And the cats of course.
So there has been very little time for knitting.
And very little to tell. Or show.
The red thing was actually done, but it needs a bit of tweaking - that is frogging and reknitting. And I haven't yet been able to get myself to sit down and figure out just how much frogging is needed and how to go about getting it right.
So I've started knitting a little cream sweater for the lovely little son of a lovely former colleague.
That seemed the natural thing to do.
And with the Easter holidays should come knitting time.
A total of five days off. One good thing about having real jobs is not working holidays. Or weekends.
Another good thing about having real jobs is the Easter egg!
Big Investment Bank doubled as Big Easter Bunny and we were given this incredible box of luxurious, handmade chocolate goodness:
I love being back with the Big Investment Bank. And I've come to believe that there really is something special about the place.
For some time I thought that that particular spirit and feeling was something which could be found anywhere, where people worked together. But I was wrong.
There is a rare and high degree of respect and generosity (not just of chocolate but of spirit) I have not met in any other company I've worked for. And I feel at home there.
And I feel very useful and happy being there. And I really shouldn't, considering that I'm a bloody art historian amongst economists.
But I do.

And I have tulips.
With Easter and tulips around you would think it was spring.
But we've had snow. More snow than we've had all winter.
The snow came as quite a surprise after a lovely sunny morning, and I found myself walking home through a snow storm dressed in tulle and a short jacket and silly little shoes. Next time I would like some kind of warning, thank you!
Luckily the wintry madness didn't last more than a few days and the cats can once again enjoy a sunny spot and a bit of birdwatching rather than clinging to the radiator.

And my orchid is once again blessing me with it's fresh purply pinkness.

So, life is good.