Thursday, December 07, 2006

Vincent with the volume down

Monday I had to take Vincent to visit our wonderful vet.
He was coughing and his voice, which is usually very loud and clear, was barely there.
He is now in bed, diagnosed with tonsillitis, and we have two daily performances of the great show "Giving the cat his penicillin".
This involves one nosy Siamese very interested in the pill, one sulking Oriental refusing to get anywhere near same pill - and a generous amount of the special-treat-wet-food, which is where the magic of making the pill disappear takes place.
And this I'm a bit concerned about in case they think that's how it should be every day from now on - sans the pill scenario of course.
Vincent is however as chatty as ever, still unable to keep his little cat-mouth shut for more than five minutes at a time - he even mumbles in his sleep.
Only difference is that the volume has been turned down to not much more than a coarse whisper.
I feel a bit guilty for appreciating the peace and quiet.
But now Laurenz is sneezing. Which may or may not be part of an attempt to finally get that pill.

1 comment:

Matz said...

Oh no! Hope Vincent will be ok soon again and Laurenz too!
I love your cat stories! They're so real life-with-cat-situations!
That's why I visit your Blog everyday...