Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My week in colours

I am actually more disciplined than I ever thought I could be.

The weekly schedule does not leave much time for sudden impulses although there are plenty of little white spots for not only going by bus and train (transport time is included in the white) but also delays in traffic and cuddling cats - and a bit of knitting.
Having the week planned, and having a rather fixed schedule keeps me sane and organized. Otherwise I do think I would be stressed out, living in a big mess with no clean clothes to wear.
And even if cold and dark winter mornings do not exactly make you jump out of bed and onto the yoga mat, that daily hour of ashtanga adds more to my general wellbeing, physically and mentally, than an hour of sleep.
And I have managed to keep both Friday and Saturday free to go to concerts, or dinners or to go dancing. (Even if I'm usually too bloody tired to.)

Still it does pi** me off quite a bit when a friend of mine, who has no job (inheritance makes it not so necessary) whines about stress caused by having to do both laundry and shopping in one and the same day.
(And when I have to decline an invitation because I have to prepare for Friday's seminar I get the reply that "well, maybe you should learn to plan better".)
I love her, but I wish she would try living in the "real" world.
Not necessary "my" world, but just one which does hold responsibilities and deadlines - and bringing home enough to pay the rent and feeding the cats, and buy a bit of yarn once in a while.

This is by no means meant as a complaint.
It is my own choice, and I am strangely happy.
Getting my degree means enough for me to live like this until I have it, even if it may not be as fun as it could be.
And seeing a beautiful pair of shoes does sometimes make me long for the days of having a real job and a real salary.
But those days will come again.
And there will always be beautiful shoes


Matz said...

Oh Alma, I know exactly what you're talking about! I'm in the same situation like you are and your words could be mine (especially those about beautiful shoes!) Being a student at our age is harder than at 23, but we'll do it!
And your timeplanner is really impressive! Maybe I should make one like that, too?!

Anonymous said...

What a schedule! Matz is right, that time planner is impressive, and I think I need one too (to prevent excess blog surfing when I should be working)!

And you're right - pretty shoes will always exist. Besides, the wardrobe refashion pledge is really neat, if not downright inspiring.

Anonymous said...

That's a very impressive time chart! I should try making one - I work full time and take two classes, but I'm not nearly as organized about doing my homework and I get cranky when my home chores (cleaning, cooking, etc.) are squeezed in instead of planned for. And thanks for the reminder about yoga - I used to do at least a few sun salutations every morning, but have gotten out of the habit and miss it.
