And I managed to catch one of the earlier (k)night buses home and read a few chapters before deciding to go to sleep.
And now I'm halfway through and I really, really want to make the book last. At least until evening.
It had me cry on page 175. For no apparent, explicable reason.
And that's really all I have to say on the subject.
I'm not the spoiling kind.
(Much needed after the tedious boredom of knitting the Textured Tunic. I did finish it on time, but I also frogged it this morning while rereading the first chapters. The lovely green silk can easily find better purpose in life.)
I am using sock yarn for my stole, though.
The lace weight I tried with at first drove me mad and had me start over three times a day for a week before giving up.
But sock yarn is my friend.
And so I really don't care if that's not kosher.
I can just exactly manage to concentrate on a row or two at a time before turning my full attention back to the book.
And much to my own surprise I have not even had so much as a glance at the final chapter!
On Tuesday I'm going to go and check out the first book from our library. All of the talk is too much for me to take. And the thought of cuddling up with a book not related to work is alluring, too.
The department stores are now selling book #7. With pretty bags, which made me think of you. I should buy one. It's hard to say no to a book wih a gift bag.
I'm trying to read slowly too. I think this is my new favorite HP book, the story is tight and the writing is crisp and the editor has done a fabulous job with it. Is that the UK cover on your book? I like it, it's very classy!
Mystery Stole... I'm starting to think I need to start a poll on my blog because I still haven't made up my mind about which beads look best! It's such a pretty pattern, though. For once, I'm all about the product, not the process.
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